Bible Study

Are you interested in learning more about God?

This online Bible Study comprises of a series of lessons designed to provide a knowledge of God's truth through the examination of the Holy Scriptures. It seeks to answers subjects and questions as to:

  • The existence of a Supreme Being
    - Who is God? Why am I here?
  • Man's relationship to God
    - Who is a sinner?  Does one need saving? Why did Jesus come to earth? What is faith and works? What is the church?
  • The meaningful life
    -  What is godly living? What is Heaven?


  1. Get a Bible -  As you begin The study, it will be observed that each lesson quotes numerous Bible passages in which you may need to read for your reference.
  2. Do Lessons in Order - It's important to complete each lesson in the order they are numbered before moving on to another. If you have any problems understanding the material please email our offices for assistance..
  3. Study the content - Please read each lesson being delivered carefully to acquire a clear understanding of the material.
  4. Test yourselves - After each lesson, you will be given a short review quiz to ensure we are progressing well.

This page will provide online material for user to learn the scriptures and participate in an online study in which at the end you will receive a participation certificate in which you must come into our offices for collection.

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